Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Ahhhh ....The Dogwoods are blooming !  Welcome Spring 2015 !

Exciting events happening around town this month:

April 22-25 is the annual Eureka Springs Indie Film Festival for ticket information to the film screenings and more !

The farmers market is now open every Tuesday and Thursday 7am-12noon at the Pine Mountain Village shopping center !

Attend the Cats at the Castle dinner evening April 18th at Castle Rogues Manor in Beaver - this a great fundraiser for Turpentine Creek   for details

39th annual springtime in the Ozarks AA convention is April 16-19th

May is coming - the most beautiful month of the year here in Eureka Springs when everything is bloomed or blooming.....

Don't forget to check out our great packages and WEDDING packages too !!!! 
Call me to reserve a room , a package or add amenities to your existing reservation !

As always thank you to all my guests for posting 5 star reviews on  Your comments validate that I am serving you all with 5 star luxury services and breakfasts and I am most humbled.  Bless You !

At your service,

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